TaxiManager FAQ
Know your profit any time of the year for both HMRC Self Assessment, Tax Credits and Housing benefit applications.
I am newly self-employed how will Taximanager help me?
Now that you are self-employed you will need to advise HMRC you are in business, and present accounts each year under self-assessment. You can use Taximanager to record all of your income and expenses, and save them and look at your profit at any time of the year as long as you keep up your records up to date.Have you had a chance to answer the previous question?
I have not registered yet with HMRC and don't know how to, are you able to help?
If you purchase our PRO package we will register you with HMRC free of charge.
I have another job/self employment does this complicate things?
No because you still have to maintain records for HMRC, and there is nothing easier than Taximanager. If you have another job, then for our PRO users we simply ask that at the year end you send us a copy of your P60.
Will I have to send you my receipts and bank statements as well?
No. There is no need to send us any paperwork, you simply record all of your entries on our system but you must keep all of your paperwork, such as receipts and bank statements, in case HMRC ever want to review them. When we submit your self-assessment each year, we always tell you the statutory date which you need to keep all of your supportive records to.
What expenses can I claim?
You can claim all motor related expenses and there are other additional expenses such as use of your mobile phone, accountancy costs, licenses etc. You will see we have prepared designated expense columns for you to input your costs together with explanations on our help button. We review all of our PRO clients entries to ensure that all allowable expenses have been claimed.
Can I claim for meals?
A much asked and debated question. The general rule is no, if you are working in the same locality and undertaking a lot of short journeys however for example, if you were based in London and needed to take somebody to an airport 50+ miles or more away then you can claim the cost of the meal as long as you get the receipt which shows that you are effectively out of your normal area
What support do you give if I make a purchase?
For our PRO users you become one of our tax clients and we offer full support and give advice over the telephone just like any other accountants. The difference is we do not charge for advice.
Who can look at my recorded information?
Only yourself and our admin team! We access and extract your information off the system in order to complete any self-assessment returns for our PRO users.
Can HMRC or any other agency view my data?
No. HMRC nor any other agency or organisation can access this system. However just like any accountancy system used by anyone in business whether this be computerised, stored in the cloud, or simply paperwork, HMRC only have the right to look at all information, if they make an official enquiry into business records. This process is known as an intervention and you would be advised in writing by HMRC as there is a specific procedure they have to follow if they ever want to enquire into anyone's self assessment
How do I authorise you to deal with HMRC?
All we need is your ten digit unique tax reference number (UTR) and postcode, we then register you as a client and HMRC will send you a code that you pass on to us so the authorisation process can be completed. This is the same procedure that all accountants use.
If you have any other questions we advise and recommend you take advantage of our free 14 day trial. That way you can look at more detailed help topics and explanations as to what you need to do when being self employed, and find the answers to the many questions you are possibly thinking about.
We want the recording of your business records to be as simple, effective and safe as possible so that you do not spend more time than is necessary, so you can get on with the business of earning money..
Last updated
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